Set your multidisciplinary project team up for success

Those who work in the Design and Construction world know all too well the elation of winning the bid yet it’s what comes next that can make or break the project. How well everyone is able to work together, resolve conflicts, make decisions and play their role in...

Choose courage over collusion

Working with senior leaders on their #leadershipstyle and how they take up their role as leaders, I’m often faced with the dilemma of how far to go with my observations and insights. Similarly when I’m working with senior #leadershipteams, I need to determine what...

Shift the energy of your team meeting with one specific question

Shift the energy of your team meeting with one specific question Most leaders I work with spend most of their days racing from one meeting to another without a break in between, carrying their thoughts and emotional response to one meeting, straight into the...

The isolation of imperfection

The isolation of imperfection This week brought news my son’s godfather died suddenly and I was immediately filled with regret for the texts and emails I wrote in my head but didn’t send over the past 6 months. It was painful to sit with my own shortcoming.  In the...

The feedback response

One of the things I love about working with Leaders and their teams is uncovering the patterns of thinking and behaving that people fall back on, particularly in challenging times……like NOW. You see we’re all programmed to keep ourselves ‘safe’...

Discover what’s holding your team back

I’ve been calling myself a Team Unlocker for a year now. It came out of a conversation with a reality TV expert (no I was never contemplating a stint on reality TV!!) about sticky words. These are the words that people remember about you. What I was looking for was a...